Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dawning of a New Day

Well, "today is the dawning of a new day"...someone said that, but I cannot remember WHO! But, such as it may, today is a the turning of a new technological leaf for me....the creation of my first Blog. I never thought that I would do this, but it seems that it's the easiest way for everyone to get pictures from events and gatherings here in NW Arkansas! One thing about my friends here is that we like to get together, have a great time, and take pictures! When you live away from your family, your friends become your second family. These friends of mine are just So, here's to you, my friends. May we treasure these times in which we live in Northwest Arkansas!


Anonymous said...

where did you get such a snazzy necklace like the one you have on in your profile pic!? haha.. JK! I just wanted to be the first to leave you a comment!! LOVES YA!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogging world. If I can do it; I know you can. I for one can't wait to keep up with your activities. You always have so much fun. Love to you.

crystal said...

I had the best time during my visit to NW Arkansas! You guys threw an awesome birthday party. Can't wait till my next visit! Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

Cool site & great idea! Just curious why everyone there stipulates "NW" Arkansas - is that something different or more special from the rest of the state? I'd think that Ar-kansas was Ar-kansas. I know it's that way in MS.