Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mardi Gras Party - 2008

February 2, 2008 marked the beginning of a new tradition.....Mardi Gras Masquerade Party hosted by the Krewe of Tilbury Court - me. (Thank you, Shane, for the koozies marking this patent).

As you will notice from the pictures below, EVERYONE took pride in their masks and costumes. The Mystics of Time in Mobile could not have done a better job if they had wanted to! From the very beginning, there has been much excitement and anticipation of this party. Many people had a cultural lesson with Mardi Gras as they had never been and certainly didn't know the history behind it. I dare say that a good time was had by all...

Of course, an event this large would certainly not have been possible without the help from my friends! Thank you Holly, Allyson, Charlotte, Jen, Heidi, Kelly, Julie, Shelley, Eric, Darren, & Brian for helping me make this such a memorable event!! Your hard work, culinary efforts, and creativity certainly paid off! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! I could not have do this without you!!

Enjoy the memories......


Joddie said...

New Orleans should have come to you! You did a bang up job with your party...great decorations and most importantly, looks like you had a great time. LOVE the eyelashes, pretty were a mardi gras diva :)