Sunday, April 27, 2008

Good Friends...

This weekend was filled with a lot of "stuff" to's the first weekend I've been at home in a while, so there was a lot to catch up on. The highlight of the weekend came on Saturday night. I spent most of the day at a Junior League Event and the rest of the afternoon and evening working in the yard. About 6:30 just as I was starting to trim shrubs in the front flower bed, my neighbor and good friends, John and Melissa Niebruegge, drove by and pulled up in the driveway. The conversation went something like this..."Hi! How's the yard work coming along? Would you like some help?" And out of the car he and Melissa came to trim the shrubs...I wish I had a before picture so that you can truly appreciate the end result, but trust me when I tell you that John certainly did an outstanding job! THANK YOU, JOHN and MELISSA!! Now, all I have to do is fill the flower bed with fresh topsoil and plant some color (will probably be zinnia's again this year - unless anyone has a better suggestion for a full-sun flower.) The Tru-Green team will be here this week to kill the remaining weeds that have found a new home in my yard. After all this, my yard will be set for least I hope so :)


Joddie said...

tell them where I live and if they are ever this way, check and see if I'm working in the yard...they can stop and help me too :) Beautiful home! I pray God continues to bless you....
Love ya!